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Arrr, the scallywag descendant of Stalin's heir be withholdin' help to Ukraine, claimin' it be a 'Hollywood' tale o' the war.


Arr, Nina Khrushcheva, the fine great-granddaughter of the former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, be chattin' 'bout the war in Ukraine, and advisin' them Washington folks on how to smarten up their game as the war be sailin' into its third year.

The debate over U.S. aid to Ukraine has hit a standstill, with Republicans refusing to pass President Biden's multibillion-dollar aid package unless Congress addresses both border security and aid for Ukraine. U.S. officials warn that money for Ukraine will run out by the end of the year, and the Office of Management and Budget Director emphasizes the detrimental effects of not providing Ukraine with more weapons and equipment. Nina Khrushcheva, the great-granddaughter of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, argues that stalled aid benefits Russian President Vladimir Putin because he can wait indefinitely. She rejects the notion that Putin will invade a NATO country and criticizes the Hollywood-like framing of the Russia-Ukraine war. Khrushcheva points out that some Republicans argue for accountability and convincing numbers before continuing funding for Ukraine. President Biden predicts that if Putin takes Ukraine, he won't stop there and will attack a NATO ally next, potentially leading to American troops fighting Russian troops. Khrushcheva dismisses this linear perspective and claims that Putin's intention was to exert influence over Ukraine, not fight with NATO. Former CIA station chief Dan Hoffman believes that if Ukraine falls, Putin would likely target other countries in the region, including Baltic NATO members. Hoffman emphasizes the need for the Biden administration to explain to the American people why supporting Ukraine is important. Khrushcheva advises Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to have a policy rather than rhetoric. She believes that Biden is facing a "forever war" and that Putin will continue until he achieves his strategic goals, including securing non-NATO status for Ukraine and maintaining control of Crimea. Khrushcheva warns that Putin has limitless time, while Ukraine and the West do not.

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