The Booty Report

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Arr! 'Tis the treacherous path - The Pentagon Road to Venture Capital, me hearties! Buckle up yer boots and set sail!


Avast ye, me hearties! Behold! A tally of landlubbers who've plunged from the mighty Pentagon and other government haunts, straight into the arms of venture capitalists who be backing defense technology upstarts. Arrr, a curious bunch indeed!

Ahoy, me hearties! Prepare to be regaled with tales of treachery and mischief on the high seas of the corporate world. Gather round and hear the saga of those scallywags who've walked the plank from the Pentagon and other government posts, only to find themselves stranded on the shores of venture capitalists backing defense technology startups!

Arr, let's unveil this list of landlubbers who've made the treacherous leap. We've got some top-notch names that'll make ye chuckle in disbelief. First mate Ashton Carter, a former defense secretary, has set sail for the venture capitalist ship known as NEA. Aye, 'tis true! He's now rubbing shoulders with privateers who fund defense startups.

Next on the list is our very own Paul Kaminski, a former undersecretary of defense. He's taken his expertise in cannons and catapults and joined the ranks of venture capitalists at Global Technology Partners. Ah, the irony be strong with this one!

Then there be the case of Sean Stackley, former assistant secretary of the Navy, who now finds himself in the good graces of investors at Sumeru Equity Partners. Pirates love a good booty, 'tis true, but it seems Mr. Stackley has found a different kind of treasure in the world of venture capitalists.

But let's not forget the grandest of them all, the legendary Eric Schmidt, the former chairman of Alphabet Inc. He's swapped his digital dominion for the alluring allure of the defense tech industry, joining the investing crew at Innovation Endeavors. Aye, me hearties, even the mightiest of captains can be tempted by the promise of buried treasure!

So there ye have it, a tale fit for a tavern of scurvy dogs. These daring souls have made the jump from government to venture capitalists, ready to sail the uncharted waters of defense technology startups. Keep yer spyglass handy, for who knows what other buccaneers may join their ranks in the future!

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