The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis not apples ye need, but a good swig o' rum to keep the doc at bay!


'Tis the season, me hearties, when them scurvy doctors be dealin' with the likes o' flu, RSV, an' this cursed Covid. Yet, there be other ailments plaguin' our fair land, an' we must turn our attention to those treacherous troubles, me maties!

If there is one thing we learned from the pandemic or should have learned, it’s that control of viruses is only one part of public health. But let me tell you, mateys, there be more to it than just that! Aye, if I tell ye that we be in the midst of a bad respiratory virus season right now and advise ye to take precautions, I must also tell ye that isolation and excess reliance on social media has been shown to spread anxiety, fear, and loathing. Arrr, loneliness be another kind of contagious pathogen, me hearties.

When it comes to caution when gathering or traveling during the holiday season, I would point out that the COVID-19 JN.1 subvariant be spreading like wildfire. I would ask ye to perform a rapid test and stay at home if ye be sick, and if ye be elderly or have an underlying condition, get vaccinated with the latest COVID-19 shot. Argh, it be important, me buckos!

Also, beware of RSV and influenza, they be causing trouble too. I can help ye differentiate between these viruses based on symptoms. RSV be mostly sinus congestion and upper respiratory symptoms, while flu, like COVID-19, may give ye a headache, body aches, sore throat, fatigue, and fever.

The CDC be putting out alerts to health care providers about usin' the tools we have against these viruses. I agree with the CDC Director, Dr. Mandy Cohen, when she says it be important to inform healthcare providers instead of mandating things for the public. Wise words indeed, me matey!

Now, of course, people will still travel and gather anyway, and that be fine. But let's remember to be kind and understanding, not divisive or strife-filled. Let's exchange hugs, real or virtual, and release that happy hormone called oxytocin. It be good for the heart, me shipmates!

So, let's exchange fear and worry for courage, laughter, empathy, and love. Let's come together with love and overcome the divisiveness of our times. And remember, yer little ones be watchin', so let's show 'em how to be kind and caring. Kindness be contagious, me hearties!

Arrr, stay safe, stay healthy, and keep spreadin' love!

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