The Booty Report

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Avast ye! A scurvy Ukrainian missile raid on Belgorod be killin' 18 souls, as told by them officials.


Arr, the rumblings be true! On Saturday, Belgorod felt the wrath o' the cannons, a retaliation for the mighty air raid by Moscow a day prior. 'Twas the fiercest assault on Russian land since this war began, mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this tale of high-seas mischief and mayhem! Last Saturday, a cannonade of epic proportions rained down upon Belgorod, a land far, far away! Legend has it that this attack was a swift retaliation to a mighty air raid launched by the notorious Moscow gang just a day before. 'Twas said to be the fiercest assault these Russian lands have ever witnessed in all their years of war!

Arr, me doubloons! 'Tis a sight to behold, ye scurvy dogs! The bombardment of Belgorod be like no other, a fearsome display of firepower that shook the very foundation of the enemy's realm! 'Twas no skirmish but a full-blown war, with cannonballs flying through the air like seagulls chasing a fish! This attack, me mateys, be the deadliest blow the Russian soil hath suffered since the start of this grand battle!

Picture this, me hearties: cannons roaring, smoke billowing, and the clash of steel upon steel! 'Twas a sight that would make even the bravest of pirates shiver in their boots! The Moscow clan, known for their daring aerial exploits, attempted to set the sky ablaze with their air assault. In response, the Belgorod defenders unleashed a storm of cannonballs upon their adversaries, turning their skyward ambitions into nothing more than a puff of smoke.

Arr, me buccaneers! This be no ordinary skirmish, but a fierce clash of titans! The Belgorod bombardment, in all its devastating glory, left no doubt in the hearts of those who bore witness. 'Twas an attack for the ages, a battle that shall be sung about in pirate taverns for years to come! So raise your tankards, me hearties, and toast to the fearsome display of power that unfolded on that fateful Saturday!

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