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Arrr! Berlin police scuttle pro-Palestinian New Year shindig, they be fearin' a swarm o' scallywags!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs in Berlin be puttin' a stop to a pro-Palestinian rally on New Year's Eve, claimin' they be unable to keep it in check. No marchin' be allowed, says the landlubbers!

Berlin police have banned a pro-Palestinian rally that was planned for New Year's Eve due to concerns that it could lead to crimes. Berlin police chief Barbara Slowik stated that they feared certain groups would join the event and use it as an opportunity to commit unlawful acts. Pro-Palestinian protests, both peaceful and violent, have been occurring across the Western world in recent months. Slowik mentioned on German radio that crimes are expected to occur in the area or as a result of the gathering, and that it would be impossible for the organizers to control such a situation. The event organizers had anticipated a small group of 100 people, but authorities believed that many more would attend.

This decision by the Berlin police comes at a time when anti-Israel protesters have been shouting slogans, including "Allahu Akbar," during a demonstration at the World Trade Center site. While this phrase means "God is great" in Arabic, it has been used by terrorists during attacks. The protest took place on the site where Islamic terrorists killed thousands of people in the 9/11 attacks. The group also disrupted the entrance to the World Trade Center building and marched to City Hall and Zuccotti Park as part of their demonstration.

These protests are part of a series of demonstrations that have been held throughout New York City and the country since the Israel-Hamas war began. Earlier in the week, pro-Palestinian protesters carried blood-covered mock nativity scenes near Rockefeller Center, shouting that "Christmas is canceled here." The situation remains tense as tensions between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel groups continue to rise.

Overall, the Berlin police's decision to ban the pro-Palestinian rally reflects concerns over potential crimes and the inability to control the situation. The ongoing protests and demonstrations in various locations highlight the divisiveness surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict and the strong emotions it evokes.

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