The Booty Report

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Avast, me hearties! Set yer sights on 3 mighty resolutions to conquer the chaos in these treacherous times!


Many a soul be tellin' me they feelin' like a landlubber, lost at sea. Me own heart knows this feelin' too, and yet I be makin' a livin' on the hopes of others! Be there aught ye can do? Aye, me matey, the answer be a resoundin' "aye!"

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the writer humorously addresses the current state of the world, acknowledging the deep divisions and conflicts that are prevalent. They express the feeling of helplessness that many believers in various faith traditions, including Christians, Jews, and Muslims, are experiencing. Despite being in the "hope" business, even the writer feels this helplessness at times. However, they believe that there is something that can be done – pray. They emphasize that prayer connects humans to a Greater Power and offers hope and a future. They suggest that although many things are beyond our control, they are not beyond the reach of prayer.

The writer encourages readers to take God's side, highlighting that God sees no borders or divisions and that we should be cautious about drawing cultural lines. They share a prayer from The Book of Common Prayer, asking for God's Spirit to spread love and peace among all people. The writer emphasizes the importance of doing good and being a messenger of hope in a world that is collapsing in despair. They reference the prayer of St. Francis, urging readers to be instruments of peace, love, and light.

As the new year approaches, the writer invites readers to consider three resolutions: praying, taking God's side, and doing good. They believe that these actions can help combat feelings of helplessness and be a blessing to others. They end with a wish for a Happy New Year and provide a link to read more from the writer.

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