The Booty Report

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Arrr! 'Tis tales of Emma Stone's garbs in 'Poor Things' - the scallywag's secret stash be revealed, matey!


Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Holly Waddington, the dashing designer, be unveilin' the wondrous transformation of Emma Stone's Bella Baxter on the silver screen. From her wee childish knickers to her enchantin' wedding dress, as snug as a parrot in a cage!

In a rollicking tale fit for the high seas, designer Holly Waddington dives into the captivating evolution of Emma Stone's character, Bella Baxter, in the most humorous manner. Ahoy, me hearties! Picture Bella strutting her stuff, from her childish knickers to her confining wedding dress, arrr!
Now, ye see, young Bella starts off as a wee lass, frolicking about in her childish knickers. But fear not, for these are no ordinary undergarments! They be adorned with ruffles and bows fit for a pirate queen, making Bella the talk of the town. Arr, who wouldn't want to be seen in such fine booty?
But as Bella grows older and wiser, her fashion choices take a turn for the dramatic. Ye see, me hearties, she finds herself trapped in a cage-like wedding dress! Aye, ye heard that right, a dress fit for a bird in captivity. It be all frills and lace, making Bella look as if she be ready to fly away at a moment's notice. Mayhaps she's tryin' to escape the clutches of matrimony, or mayhaps she just be fond of feathered friends.
As Bella's character develops, her wardrobe becomes a reflection of her journey. From her whimsical knickers to her confining wedding dress, each outfit tells a tale. It be a testament to the skilled hand of Holly Waddington, who knows how to bring a character's story to life through fabric and thread.
So next time ye be watching Emma Stone grace the silver screen as Bella Baxter, take a moment to appreciate the thought and craftsmanship that goes into creating her ensembles. And remember, me hearties, fashion be a language all its own, even on the seven seas!

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