The Booty Report

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Avast! Me hearties, why be them landlubber anime worshippers vexed 'bout this here abominable rise o' C.G.I.?


Avast ye, me hearties! As the industry be embracin' the devilry o' computer-generated work, there be a bunch o' landlubbers strugglin' to accept this here change. Arrr, they be clingin' to the old ways like a barnacle on a ship!

Avast! Me hearties, why be them landlubber anime worshippers vexed 'bout this here abominable rise o' C.G.I.?

Arrr, mateys! As the winds of time carry us into the 21st century, the art of movin' pictures has taken a turn towards the digital realm. Aye, the industry be embracin' computer-generated work, but there be landlubbers who can't seem to wrap their noggins around this change. Shiver me timbers!

Picture this, me hearties: ye be sittin' in a theater, eager to feast yer eyes upon a grand tale of adventure. But lo and behold, what ye see on that silver screen be nothin' but pixels and polygons! Blimey, this be not what ye signed up for, says the disgruntled audience. They be yearnin' for the good ol' days of swashbucklin' pirates and practical effects.

Now, I be understandin' the nostalgia, me hearties. There be a certain charm to the days of yore, when men with wooden legs and eyepatches sailed the high seas. But let's not be too quick to dismiss the wonders of CGI, for it be openin' up a whole treasure chest of possibilities!

Think about it, ye scurvy dogs! With the power of computer-generated imagery, we be able to create worlds that never existed, creatures that make yer timbers shiver, and battles that make yer heart race faster than a cannonball. Aye, the beauty be in the details, and CGI be allowin' us to craft every single one of 'em.

So, me hearties, let's not be too quick to judge this newfangled technology. It be bringin' us closer to the fantastical tales we be cravin'. Embrace the change, and ye might just find yerself on an adventure more epic than ye ever imagined. Yo ho ho!

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