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Arr! Be ye hearin' the news, me hearties? China's spyin' birds be chirpin' o'er Taiwan's skies!


Arrr, mateys! Them scurvy dogs from China be sendin' their spy birds to spy on Taiwan afore the grand presidential election! Them Taiwanese defense officials have confirmed the presence o' these sneaky flights! Avast!

Taiwan's defense ministry has reported the presence of multiple Chinese spy flights in the airspace above the island. A single spy flight was detected crossing over the island on Monday, followed by three more on Tuesday, just days before a crucial presidential election that will impact China-Taiwan relations. The spy flights appear to be built to collect atmospheric data, but their other functions are unknown. The Taiwanese government is closely monitoring and controlling the situation, taking appropriate measures, and analyzing the flight paths. Similar spy flights have been documented in the past, including one that flew across America before being shot down on the coast of South Carolina. Another Chinese spy flight crashed into the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii, and three surveillance crafts were found to have flown over Texas, Florida, and Guam during the Trump administration. It is unclear how long Beijing has been operating this espionage program, which relies on dated spy flight technology along with modern surveillance techniques. The program has been largely run by the People's Liberation Army from China's Hainan Island province in the South China Sea, and spy flights have been spotted over various countries since 2018. These flights are used to collect military intelligence from nations of strategic interest to China. The current frontrunner in Taiwan's presidential election is the ruling Democratic Progressive Party's nominee, who is supported by the opposition party, the Kuomintang, which has also vowed to reopen talks with China if it wins.

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