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Arr! Argentina be grabbin' 3 scurvy dogs, claimin' they be havin' ties to a terror cell, arr!


Avast ye, me hearties! On this fine Wednesday, word be spreadin' that the Argentine government hath thrown three scoundrels, includin' a swashbucklin' Syrian chap, into the brig! They be suspectin' these rapscallions o' bein' part of a terror cell. Shiver me timbers!

Authorities in Argentina have apprehended three individuals, including a Syrian national, on suspicion of being part of a terror cell. The Security Minister, Patricia Bullrich, revealed that the men were arrested in Buenos Aires and its surrounding areas over the weekend. While their identities have not been disclosed, images of the suspects with their faces blurred have been released by the government.

One of the arrested individuals is a Syrian national who possessed passports from Venezuela and Colombia in his name. The nationalities of the other two suspects have not been revealed, but Bullrich mentioned that they had previously used documents from different countries. She also stated that it remains uncertain whether their names are authentic.

The arrests are particularly significant considering the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in the Gaza Strip and the Pan-American Maccabi Games taking place in Buenos Aires, which has attracted numerous Jewish athletes from various nations. Bullrich highlighted that the trio arrived on separate flights and had booked accommodation just two blocks away from the Israeli Embassy. Authorities became suspicious when they discovered that the suspects were anticipating the arrival of a package from Yemen.

The Jewish community in Argentina has experienced devastating attacks in the past. In 1992, a bomb detonated at the Israeli Embassy, resulting in the loss of 29 lives. Two years later, a car bomb obliterated a cultural Jewish center, leading to the death of 85 individuals. Prosecutors have accused Iranian agents of orchestrating these acts of violence, an allegation that Iran vehemently denies.

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