The Booty Report

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Arr! Putin be tryin' t' change history, but that old Lithuanian judge be caught in his net!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Just a few moons past, Kornelija Maceviciene, a brave lass, didst rule against them Soviet officers, who oftentimes displayed naught but brutality upon the poor souls seekin' their independence in '91. Arrr, now she be a target for a Russian court, aye, mateys!

In the year of our Lord, a few years ago, there was a courageous lass known as Kornelija Maceviciene who dared to challenge those mighty Soviet officers for their heinous acts against the pro-independence protesters in her homeland, which occurred in the year of our Lord, 1991. Aye, she stood tall and strong, refusing to be silenced by the tyrants of the East!

But alas, it seems the winds of fate have blown against her. This brave lass, Kornelija, has now caught the eye of those Russian scoundrels who seek to bring her to their court. It seems they have decided to make her walk the plank of their unjust judicial system!

Arrr, it be a sad day indeed when a noble soul is made to pay for seeking justice. The Russian court, like a ship full of barnacles, wishes to punish this lass for daring to challenge their comrades in the past. They seek to make her pay for her audacity, for her courage to stand against the might of the Soviet forces!

But fear not, me hearties, for Kornelija is no timid landlubber. Nay, she be a fierce pirate who knows how to navigate treacherous waters. She shall not be deterred by these Russian ruffians, for her spirit be strong and her will be unyielding.

Let us raise our glasses, filled with grog, to this brave lass who dares to challenge the powers that be. May she find strength in the support of her fellow buccaneers, and may justice prevail in the end. And if those Russian scoundrels think they can silence her, they better be prepared to face the wrath of a pirate crew!

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