The Booty Report

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Arr! Scallywags be settin' off bomb hoaxes an' playin' pranks on public officials as the year 2024 sets sail!


Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Colorado and Maine, by the powers of their election laws, be thwartin' the inclusion of former President Donald J. Trump on thar ballot. But aye, these two lands be facin' a fierce battle indeed, for the officials be plagued by intimidation and harassment. Arrr, troubles abound!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to a tale of two far-flung lands - Colorado and Maine! These be places where the mighty former President, Donald J. Trump, had his path to the ballot be blocked, but alas, trouble had befallen them! Intimidation and harassment, they say! Blimey, these officials were in for a tough time!

Now, Colorado, that wild frontier of rugged mountains and mighty rivers, faced the wrath of political storms. The officials here dared to stand against the mighty Trump and his loyal crew, and ye can bet they felt the heat. Intimidation and harassment came knockin' on their doors, scaring 'em like a pack of landlubbers facing a fearsome sea monster. Oh, the poor souls!

Meanwhile, in the distant land of Maine, where lobsters be plentiful and the wind be strong, the battle raged on. The officials here, bold and brave, said "Nay!" to the Trumpian ways. But trouble brewed in their fair land as well. Intimidation and harassment, like a swarm of pesky mosquitoes, plagued their daily lives. Aye, the struggle be real, me hearties!

But fear not, me fellow pirates, for these officials be no landlubbers! They stood tall and faced the storm, with their heads held high and their spirits unbroken. They weathered the rough seas of intimidation and the tempest of harassment with a hearty laugh and a twinkle in their eyes.

So let this be a lesson to all ye scallywags out there! No matter how rough the seas may be, no matter how fearsome the storms, those who dare to stand for what be right shall prevail! Let the winds of change blow through the land, and may the courage of these officials inspire us all. And remember, me hearties, always keep a weather eye out for those troublesome pirates of intimidation and harassment! Yo ho ho!

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