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Avast, ye landlubbers! The Argentine court be suspending the changes to labor, a mighty blow to President Milei's grand economic plan!


Avast ye! The three scallywag judges have decreed that President Milei's fancy labor reforms be not within his kingly authority, but rather be subject to the watchful eye of Congress. Arrr!

In a blow to President Javier Milei's plans for economic revival, a court in Argentina has suspended labor rule changes that he recently announced as part of sweeping deregulation and austerity measures. The changes, which included increasing job probation, reducing severance compensation, and allowing the possibility of dismissal for workers involved in protests, were challenged by the main union group, the General Labor Confederation, who argued that they infringed upon workers' rights.
The court ruled that Milei's administration had overstepped its authority by decreeing labor changes without first discussing and approving them in Congress. In response, the government has announced its intention to appeal the ruling. The union confederation welcomed the decision, stating that it puts a stop to "regressive and anti-worker" labor reform. Labor activists have questioned whether Milei, a self-described anarcho-capitalist, can impose these measures through emergency decree, bypassing the legislature.
Milei took office in December and immediately announced a series of initiatives to transform Argentina's economy, including easing government regulation and allowing the privatization of state-run industries. These measures have sparked protests in the capital, Buenos Aires. Since his inauguration, Milei has devalued the country's currency, cut subsidies, and decided not to renew contracts for over 5,000 state employees hired before he took office. He aims to reduce the size of the state and address rising poverty and inflation.

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