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Arrr! 'Artie Shaw: Time Be All Ye Be Gettin'!' A Spyglass on a Swashbucklin' Jazz Legend.


Avast ye mateys! Behold, in all its splendor, the magnificent tale o' Brigitte Berman's 1985 film, featurin' the self-taught maestro o' the clarinet and his merry band! 'Tis been restored, savvy?

Arr mateys! Gather 'round and listen up, for I have a tale to tell ye about a wondrous film called "Bix: Ain't None of Them Play Like Him Yet!" It be a masterpiece crafted by the talented Brigitte Berman back in the year 1985. Aye, this be no ordinary film, me hearties, for it be a glimpse into the life of a self-taught virtuoso clarinetist and bandleader, the one and only Bix Beiderbecke!

Now, let me explain to ye landlubbers what makes this film so special. It be a feast for yer eyes, me mateys, for it has been restored to its former glory, sparklin' like a treasure chest filled with gold doubloons. Ye can witness the brilliance of Bix on that magical clarinet of his, as he takes ye on a musical journey like no other.

But beware, me hearties, for this film be more than just a showcase of Bix's musical prowess. It be a tale of a man who taught himself to play, with no fancy music lessons or tutors. Oh, the humor in seein' him conquer that instrument, me mateys! It be a testament to the power of passion and determination, and it'll surely have ye chucklin' in yer peg legs.

And let me tell ye, this film be no mere documentary. Nay, it be a celebration of music, joy, and the spirit of adventure! Ye'll find yerself tappin' yer feet and boppin' along to the jazzy tunes, as Bix's band whisks ye away to a world of rhythm and melody.

So, me hearties, if ye be yearnin' for a swashbucklin' good time, ye best be settlin' yerself down and watchin' "Bix: Ain't None of Them Play Like Him Yet!" It be a sight to behold, a laugh to be had, and a toe-tappin' adventure ye won't soon forget. Avast! Get yerself to the theater and let the magic of Bix take ye away!

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