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Arrr, Biden's border mishap be bringin' mischief 'n no repercussion, aye, a proper pirate's predicament!


Arrrgh! In the year 2023, me hearties, Americans bore witness to a sight like no other! Aye, mighty waves of scurvy dogs did swarm our fair land through the southern border, breakin' records!

There is a prevailing theme in progressive ideology that sheds light on the current state of our country and the world: the Left has a dislike for enforcing laws and punishing those who do wrong. This is evident in the crisis at the southern border, where record numbers of illegal aliens are being encountered and then released into the United States. The chaos is so rampant that even legacy media outlets, who typically ignore reporting on the border, are occasionally forced to cover it. President Biden's strategy of pouring billions into addressing the root causes of illegal immigration and releasing aliens caught at the border has clearly failed.

Biden's excuse for releasing and paroling these individuals instead of detaining or sending them back to their home countries is that they are all asylum-seekers. However, simply wanting a job in the U.S. is not enough to qualify for asylum. The Biden administration's refusal to enforce immigration laws and deport failed asylum-seekers has sent a clear message to the world that if you show up at our border, you can stay for years.

Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief Tom Homan rightly questions the point of having immigration courts and a legal process if court orders are not going to be enforced. Enforcing laws passed by Congress is not an extreme position, as demonstrated by numerous polls showing that a majority of Americans support increasing security along the U.S.-Mexico border and deporting those here illegally.

The failure to enforce laws applies in other contexts as well. In Washington, D.C., a significant number of suspects arrested by police were not prosecuted, leading to a rise in violent crime. In the Gulf of Aden, Houthi rebels continue their provocations against commercial and U.S. Navy ships because they know there will be no significant response. Similarly, the decriminalization of drug use in Portland has led to an increase in drug-related deaths and overdoses.

Conservatives understand that in order to address immigration, we must first enforce the current laws before discussing reform. This means raising the bar for asylum claims, ending mass releases at the border, and limiting abuse of immigration parole. The debate about the future of immigration should not be held under the threat of uncontrolled mass migration.

Restoring credible enforcement is the only way to reduce the current crisis and deter further lawbreaking. This should not be a partisan issue but rather a matter of national security and the rule of law.

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