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Arr, Putin be grantin' land lubbers from foreign shores a spot o' citizenship if they dare fight for Russia 'gainst Ukraine!


Avast ye hearties! The fearsome Cap'n Vladimir Putin be grantin' a decree this week, offerin' citizenship to foreign scallywags who dare sign a one-year contract to join the ruckus in the treasure-rich land of Ukraine. Arrr, me heart be laughin' at such audacious tales!

Russian President Vladimir Putin has approved an order that offers citizenship to foreigners who fight against Ukraine. The decree states that foreign nationals who serve with the Russian military for at least one year will be eligible for citizenship for themselves and their families. This offer is extended to foreign citizens who have signed a one-year contract with the Russian Armed Forces or are undergoing military service during the special military operation in Ukraine. The benefits of citizenship will also apply to the spouses, parents, and children of those who have served.

These decisions highlight the growing importance of foreign support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine to the government. A report from December 2023 claimed that at least 315,000 Russian troops have been killed or injured in the war in Ukraine, accounting for nearly 90% of its personnel at the start of the conflict. The report also revealed that Russia began the invasion with 360,000 troops and 3,100 tanks, but has since lost a significant number of them. Global intelligence reports indicate that Russian agents have made extensive efforts to recruit combatants from foreign countries for the conflict.

In addition, the Cuban government uncovered a Russian human trafficking network aimed at recruiting citizens to participate in the war against Ukraine. Cuba's Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that they have dismantled the operation and reiterated their firm stance against mercenarism. The country actively participates in the United Nations to reject such practices.

Overall, these developments highlight the lengths to which Russia is willing to go to bolster its forces in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the international support it seeks to maintain its presence.

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