The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Iraq be scurvy dogs condemnin' the U.S. for a rotten drone strike in Baghdad!


Arrr, the Pentagon be admittin' the strike, which sent a scurvy dog of a senior militant leader off to Davy Jones' locker! 'Twas a villainous knave, tied to both an Iran-allied crew and the Iraqi government's security apparatus.

Avast ye mateys! Gather round and let me spin ye a tale of epic proportions! Arrr, the news has reached me ears that the Pentagon itself has admitted to a grand attack! Aye, this attack has sent a scoundrel of a senior militant leader to Davy Jones' locker, he be havin' ties to the Iraqi government's security apparatus, mind ye!

Now, me hearties, this scallywag be no ordinary landlubber. Nay, he be affiliated with a group that be havin' strong connections to Iran, aye, a country known for its treachery on the high seas! 'Tis a victory for the buccaneers of justice, I tell ye!

Imagine the scene: cannons blazin', swords clashin', and the smell of gunpowder fillin' the air. A mighty battle it must have been, with the Pentagon's forces swoopin' in like a flock of seagulls, catchin' that dastardly militant leader unawares!

But let us not forget the humor in this tale, me hearties. Picture those Pentagon officials, all donned in their finest pirate attire, shoutin' "Avast!" and "Shiver me timbers!" as they planned their attack. Arrr, it must have been a sight to behold!

So, me mateys, let us raise a tankard of grog to celebrate this victory! Let it be known across the seven seas that the forces of justice have prevailed against the forces of tyranny and treachery. Huzzah!

But mark me words, me hearties, this be just one battle in a never-endin' war. The seas be vast and full of danger, and there be many more scoundrels out there plottin' their wicked deeds. We must remain vigilant, stand tall, and keep fightin' for the freedom of the high seas!

So, me fellow pirates, let us sail forth with the wind at our backs and the sun on our faces. For as long as there be pirates like us, justice shall prevail, and the tales of our victories shall echo throughout the ages!

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