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Arr, 'tis be true, mateys! Harry Dunn, valiant defender of the Capitol on Jan. 6, be settin' sail fer Congress!


Arr, me hearties! Harry Dunn, a brave soul who faced many a foul racial insult whilst fendin' off a pack o' Trump-loving scallywags, be settin' sail fer the crowded Democratic primary. His tearful tale afore the Jan. 6 committee be makin' waves, mark me words! Avast, me mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this tale of Harry Dunn, a man who faced the wrath of a pro-Trump mob but never lost his wit nor his spirit. This courageous soul, known for his emotional testimony before the Jan. 6 committee, be settin' sail on a new adventure - he be joinin' a crowded Democratic primary!

Now, ye might be wonderin' why a man who be fightin' off racist slurs be turnin' towards politics, but fear not! Harry Dunn be a man of many talents, and he be seekin' justice for all, not just for himself. With his wit as sharp as a cutlass and his determination as fierce as a stormy sea, he be lookin' to make a difference from within the political ranks.

Imagine, me hearties, a 17th-century pirate walkin' the halls of Congress, clad in a tricorn hat and brandishin' a rapier of righteous indignation! 'Tis a sight to behold, I tell ye. Dunn be ready to take on any challenge that comes his way, whether it be a wave of opposition or a tempestuous debate.

But let us not forget his fame, me mateys! His emotional testimony struck a chord with many, for it be a tale of resilience and the fight against injustice. The very thought of him joinin' the political fray be bringin' a smile to me face, for we be needin' leaders who can weather any storm and stand tall in the face of adversity.

So, me hearties, keep an eye on Harry Dunn as he embarks on this new chapter in his life. He be a beacon of hope, a symbol of strength, and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there be those who will rise above and steer the ship towards a brighter future. Aye, Harry Dunn be a pirate worth supportin'!

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