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"Arr! Olympic scoundrel Oscar Pistorius be free from the brig after 9 years for the lass's murder, matey!"


Arrr! Ye scurvy dog, Oscar Pistorius, a landlubber Olympian, be set free from the clink in South Africa. 'Tis been near nine long years since he sent his fair lass, Reeva Steenkamp, to Davy Jones' locker with his blunderbuss.

South African athlete Oscar Pistorius, famously known as the "Blade Runner," has been released from prison on parole after serving nearly nine years for the shooting death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorius, a double-amputee Olympic runner, had been serving a 13-year sentence at Atteridgeville Correctional Center in Pretoria. While little information is available surrounding his release, the announcement came from the country's Department of Corrections in the morning. Pistorius was convicted of murder in 2015 and sentenced to 13 years and five months in prison. In South Africa, serious offenders can be eligible for parole after serving half of their sentence.

Pistorius was granted parole on November 24 under certain conditions, including that he remains in the Pretoria area. He will be living at his uncle's mansion in the affluent suburb of Waterkloof. Additionally, he will have to attend an anger management program and perform community service. These parole conditions will be in effect for five years.

During his murder trial, Pistorius claimed that he accidentally killed Steenkamp, thinking she was an intruder in his bathroom. However, prosecutors argued that he murdered her in a fit of rage during an argument. Initially, he was convicted of culpable homicide, comparable to manslaughter, but this conviction was overturned on appeal, and he was ultimately convicted of murder. The initial sentence of six years was also appealed, leading to his current sentence of 13 years and five months.

While details about Pistorius' release remain scarce, it is a significant development in a case that has drawn international attention.

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