The Booty Report

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Arrr! Avast ye, mateys! Be it true that the Israel-Hamas war shall shape Hollywood's awards season booty?


Arr, the twinklin' stars be takin' to the seas o' politics, yet the fiery Mideast squabble be tearin' Hollywood asunder, makin' 'em ponder whether t' open their gobs 'bout the matter or keep 'em sealed tight.

In the 17th century, ye scallywags, stars be not just sailin' the seven seas, but also raisin' their voices on political matters. Arr! But as ye may know, the Mideast conflict be a stormy sea, splittin' the good ol' Hollywood into two camps. Aye, it be a mighty choice fer these swashbucklers - to gab about the issue or to keep mum.

Some of these landlubberin' A-listers, ye see, be more vocal than a parrot squawkin' after a sip of rum. They be takin' to the high seas of social media, sharin' their political views like a seagull lookin' fer breadcrumbs. They be usin' their fame to rally their scurvy fans, fightin' for justice and raisin' awareness. But beware, me hearties, this be a double-edged cutlass! Fer these stars may be wieldin' their influence like a pirate brandishin' a sword, but they also be riskin' losin' fans and booty from those who disagree with their stance.

On the other side of the plank, there be them stars who prefer to stay in the galley, away from the political thunderclouds. They be keepin' their opinions buried like hidden treasure, protectin' their reputation and avoidin' any cannonballs of controversy. Aye, ye may call them cowardly lubbers, but remember, not every sailor be a born leader. Some may prefer to dance the hornpipe and entertain the masses, lettin' the politicians do the talkin'.

So, me mateys, as the sea of politics gets rougher, stars be caught in a mighty whirlpool of choices. To speak out or not, that be the question. The answer be different for every swashbuckler. Some may choose to fight like true buccaneers, while others may prefer to stay below deck, enjoyin' the luxuries of their golden doubloons. Whatever their choice, one thing be certain - Hollywood be a divided ship sailin' through choppy waters.

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