The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Listen 'ere, I tell ye a tale 'bout how I banished me lazy landlubber spawn from me ship - and ye can do it too, arrr!


Arr, 'tis a curious sight to behold, mateys! A goodly number o' them young rapscallions, ages twenty to thirty, be makin' their abode with their ol' folks. Aye, ye heard right! They be embracin' this way o' life, as strange as it may be.

In a humorous and exaggerated tone, the author discusses the trend of young adults living with their parents and questions whether this is fostering a generation of weakness. The author shares their personal experience of encouraging their daughter to become financially independent after college, jokingly referring to it as "getting them off payroll." They argue that providing indefinite financial assistance to children only breeds dependence and that it is important to instill responsibility and expose them to the realities of the real world. The author suggests establishing specific deadlines for finding full-time employment and independent housing, granting autonomy in career choices, and communicating that the "safety net" of living at home will soon come to an end. They also advise implementing rent payments and household responsibilities for those who choose to stay at home. The author emphasizes the importance of remembering the challenges faced on their own journey to success and pre-determining how and when to assist with bills. They caution against constantly reassuring children that they can always return home if things don't work out, as it hinders their ability to forge their own path. The author concludes by stating that exposing children to adversity and allowing them to face conflicts and disagreements will ultimately create a more resilient and tougher future generation.

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