The Booty Report

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Arrr! Yonder Toronto crew be makin' a fuss over a wee vid of sailormen bringin' brew to a protestin' scallywag!


Ye Toronto scallywags 'ave been scolded fer offerin' grog to them anti-Israel landlubbers near a Jewish burough in a viral scroll from Canada. Aaarrr!

Toronto police are under scrutiny after a viral video showed officers delivering coffee to an anti-Israel protester during a recent demonstration. The video, shared by lawyer and journalist Caryma Sa’d, depicts a police officer handing over a box of Tim Hortons coffee and cups to the protesters. The recipient, dressed in Palestinian clothing, explains that the police are acting as messengers between the protesters and those who bought the coffee for them. The video has sparked criticism online, with some accusing the police of preferential treatment towards anti-Israel protesters compared to other groups, such as truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates and pro-life demonstrators. Toronto Police Service spokesperson Laurie McCann defended the officers' actions, stating that their priority is to maintain order in a tense environment. She emphasized that the officer's motivation was to help keep tensions low and should not be interpreted as showing support for any cause or group. The video comes as Toronto police are investigating a fire and graffiti at a Jewish-owned grocery store as a possible hate crime. The incident involved the spray-painting of the message "Free Palestine" outside the store. Critics, including Rebel News publisher Ezra Levant, have expressed distrust in Canadian police, citing incidents such as the coffee delivery and the police's failure to disclose the identity of antisemitic hate criminals.

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