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Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! 'Tis Donald Trump's first mate, a bunch o' scallywags, and Fox News Opinion blabberin' 'bout the landlubber!


Avast ye mateys! Feast yer eyes on the finest words from Fox News Opinion, and set ye peepers upon the swashbucklin' videos of Sean Hannity, Raymond Arroyo, and a crew of other scallywags!

In this selection of news articles from Fox News, various topics are covered in a humorous tone. The first article, by Hannity, discusses the Democrats' priorities leading up to the 2024 presidential election. It is followed by an opinion piece by Hugh Hewitt, who suggests that former President Trump should name his vice president and cabinet now. The third article, titled "Missing in Action," raises questions about Defense Secretary Austin's strange behavior and demands answers from President Biden.

Next, Gutfeld's article humorously addresses the need to close the "dome" gap. Bossie's opinion piece examines the possibility of a 2024 Trump-Biden rematch and suggests that it would be an election like no other. Raymond Arroyo offers a critique of yet another disastrous speech by President Biden.

Mark Penn's article focuses on the importance of the second choice of voters in Iowa and how it could impact Trump's chances of winning the state. The article titled "Wasted Generation" discusses how Generation Z is shaping a future of mediocrity. The following piece, "DOA," criticizes Charlie Baker's legacy in relation to the NCAA women's sports.

Lastly, the selection concludes with a link to Fox News' political cartoons section, inviting readers to check out the latest satirical illustrations. Overall, these articles cover a range of topics, from political priorities and criticisms of government officials to humorous takes on current events.

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