The Booty Report

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Avast ye hearties! 3 landlubbers sent to Davy Jones' locker, 4 scallywags left injured as a land carriage blows up in Kabul!


Arr, me hearties! A fearsome bomb be fastened to a minivan that did explode in Kabul, Afghanistan. ‘Twas a sad tale, for it took the lives of at least three innocent souls, and left four others wounded, so says a scurvy Taliban matey.

In a classic 17th-century pirate lingo, me hearties, there be news from the treacherous seas of Afghanistan. Arr! A fearsome bomb, it be, stuck to a minivan and exploded in the grand capital of Kabul on Tuesday. Yarrr! This explosive devilry claimed the lives of at least three innocent souls and left four others wounded, as reported by a scurvy Taliban official. The blast took place in the eastern part of the city, in a place known as Alokhail. The local authorities, bless their souls, have launched an investigation into this foul play and have detained one suspect, so they say.

Now, me mateys, nobody has come forward to claim responsibility for this dastardly attack. However, ye might remember that those scallywags from the Islamic State group have a history of setting off their own bombs, particularly targeting those they deem apostates, the poor Shiites. Aye, the Islamic State be a rival of the Taliban, who recently took control of Afghanistan. It all started when the U.S. and other troops decided to make themselves scarce. Rumor has it that the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for another minibus explosion in western Kabul just this past weekend. Five poor souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker because of that tragedy.

These miscreants from the Islamic State have been causing trouble not only in Kabul but also in the northern provinces. They be a real pain in the rump, challenging the authority of the Taliban, who be thinking they are the big captains now. So, me hearties, keep a weather eye out for further tales of explosions and treachery from the land of Afghanistan. There be rough seas ahead, that be certain.

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