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Avast ye mateys! Seems Karine Jean-Pierre be dodgin' 98% of 'em allegations 'bout Biden corruption and scandal, says a study. Arrr!


Arrr, mateys! In the treacherous year o' 2023, the fair wench Karine Jean-Pierre, Press Secretary o' the White House, be actin' as tight-lipped as a sly sea dog! She be reckonin' to answer a mere eight questions 'bout the scurvy scandals 'round President Biden, as revealed by the Media Research Center. Methinks, the truth be hidin' like buried booty!

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has faced criticism for her limited responses to questions about corruption and scandals involving President Biden. According to a study by the Media Research Center (MRC), Jean-Pierre answered only eight out of 337 scandal-related questions during 75 White House briefings in 2023, amounting to a mere 2.37 percent. The study also highlighted her lack of response to questions regarding Biden's alleged mishandling of classified documents, with Jean-Pierre answering only five out of 220 questions on that topic, or 2.27 percent.

The MRC study revealed a doubling of questions about Biden family corruption throughout the year, from 35 to 52, with only three receiving substantive answers. Additionally, reporters showed little interest in questioning Jean-Pierre about the baggie of cocaine found in the West Wing, despite the Secret Service launching an investigation into the matter. Jean-Pierre only provided a concrete response to a single question regarding the cocaine.

Furthermore, Jean-Pierre consistently avoided discussing the Biden family's financial dealings, with limited exceptions. The study also noted that Biden has granted fewer interviews to the press compared to his predecessors. Despite promising to restore transparency in the White House, Biden has held fewer press conferences and granted fewer interviews.

Critics argue that Jean-Pierre's evasiveness and the lack of press access demonstrate a biased and corrupt mainstream media. Comparisons were made to former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, with MRC founder and president Brent Bozell claiming that the pro-Biden press fails to cover tough questions asked by their own reporters.

Fox News reached out to Jean-Pierre for comment, but she did not respond.

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