The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! When the Lone Star State be takin' after the Land o' Fruits and Nuts. Arrr!


Arr, the quarrel o'er the matters o' environmental and social governance be spiralin' out o' control, me hearties! Texas be tryin' t' mimic the ways o' California, aye, ye heard it right! Blimey, what be next? Talkin' parrots demandin' equal rights on the seven seas?

The article discusses the surprising shift in Texas's approach to environmental and social governance (ESG) policies, which now mirrors California's practices. Texas, known for its economic success and business-friendly climate, has been a stark contrast to California's high taxes and extensive regulations. Texas does not have a state income tax, while California has the highest top tax rate in the nation. Texas ranks sixth in economic freedom, while California ranks 48th. Despite these differences, Texas has started implementing California-style anti-ESG restrictions on businesses.

The article highlights that California's actions in the past, such as forcing pension funds to divest from tobacco investments, have resulted in significant financial losses for retirees. Texas is now blocking certain financial institutions from participating in municipal bond markets to push back against ESG policies, which will cost taxpayers millions of dollars and increase interest rates.

The article emphasizes that this ESG war between Texas and California is not limited to these two states alone. Other red states are aligning with Texas, while blue states are teaming up with California. Taxpayers are caught in the middle and have to bear the financial burden of this battle.

The article concludes that politicians from both parties should stop using taxpayers as pawns in their culture war and instead focus on finding a balanced approach. It also calls on Texas politicians to reconsider their actions and not interfere with the state's successful economic climate.

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