The Booty Report

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Arrr! Those scurvy dogs, the Yemeni Houthis, be launchin' their biggest attack yet with drones 'n missiles in the Red Sea!


Arr, on Jan. 9, at the stroke o' 9:15 p.m. by the local sundial, them scurvy dogs, the Iranian-backed Houthis, unleashed a mighty barrage aimed at th' treasure-laden ships sailin' the Red Sea! Aye, 'tis a danger to all seafarin' souls!

In a statement released by U.S. Central Command, it was revealed that Iranian-backed Houthi rebels launched a complex attack against international shipping lanes in the southern Red Sea. The attack involved the use of one-way attack UAVs (OWA UAVs), anti-ship cruise missiles, and an anti-ship ballistic missile. The incident occurred on January 9, as numerous merchant vessels were transiting through the area. This marks the largest drone and missile attack by the Houthi rebels since they began targeting commercial shipping in November. It is also the 26th attack on commercial shipping in the Red Sea since November 19. The United States military presence in the Red Sea successfully prevented any injuries or damage. A combined effort of F/A-18s from USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, USS Gravely, USS Laboon, USS Mason, and the United Kingdom's HMS Diamond resulted in the interception and destruction of 18 OWA UAVs, two anti-ship cruise missiles, and the anti-ship ballistic missile. A joint statement issued by 14 countries, including the U.S. and the U.K., condemned the Houthi attacks and vowed consequences for their actions. The destabilization of trade in the Red Sea was deemed unacceptable, and the nations called for an immediate end to the attacks and the release of unlawfully detained vessels and crews. The statement emphasized that targeting civilian and naval vessels is illegal and a direct threat to the freedom of navigation. The second-largest Houthi attack occurred in November, when the USS Carney successfully shot down 15 drones and four cruise missiles.

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