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Avast ye, me hearties! Former leader Corbyn be settin' sail with South Africa's crew, claimin' Israel be commitin' genocide!


South Africa doth be accusing Israel of seekin' the destruction of Gazans, and be seekin' to petition the U.N. to make Israel cease its offensive; Corbyn, aye, he hath afore been accused of bein' a scallywag with a touch o' antisemitism, arrr!

Former U.K. opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn will join a South African delegation at the International Court of Justice, where South Africa accuses Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians in the war in Gaza. South Africa brought the case against Israel last month, claiming that Israel intends to destroy Palestinians in Gaza and asked the U.N.'s top court to order Israel to halt its attacks. Israel rejected the allegations of genocide and said it will defend itself at the court. Corbyn, who has faced allegations of antisemitism during his leadership of the Labour Party in Britain, expressed support for South Africa's case against Israel and criticized the British government. U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has stated that Britain stands by Israel as it wages war on Hamas in response to the group's attack on southern Israel. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken dismissed South Africa's case, calling the allegations meritless and distracting from efforts to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza. The South African delegation will be led by Minister of Justice Ronald Lamola and will include senior figures from the office of President Cyril Ramaphosa. South Africa's decision to open a case against Israel reflects its historic support for the Palestinians, dating back to Nelson Mandela's comparison of their plight with that of Black South Africans under apartheid. The ruling African National Congress party in South Africa remains a strong supporter of the Palestinians, hosting Hamas officials at a conference and inviting them to a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of Mandela's death. The presence of Hamas in South Africa has been criticized by the South African Jewish Board of Deputies.

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