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Arrr, the scurvy dogs of House GOP be in a mighty quarrel over ousting Johnson, claimin' he's a loyal mate to Biden!


Arr, me hearties! Them fancy landlubber conservatives be raisin' the Jolly Roger, refusin' to heave-ho our Speaker Mike Johnson at the call of the starboard! Methinks there be some squabblin' on this here ship o' Republicans, arr-rrr!

House Speaker Mike Johnson is facing threats to his leadership from the right flank of the House Republican conference. Some members, such as Rep. Nick Langworthy, believe that those suggesting a motion to vacate against Johnson are not serious about maintaining the majority. Langworthy even went as far as saying that they are sabotaging the future and working for Joe Biden.

The anger from GOP hardliners stems from Johnson's deal with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that aimed to avert a government shutdown. They argue that this deal puts the conference in a worse position than after former Speaker Kevin McCarthy's similar deal with President Biden. Rep. Chip Roy has mentioned the possibility of filing a motion to vacate, but other conservatives like Rep. Nicole Malliotakis believe that the problem lies with the Senate and the White House, not with Johnson.

Johnson took over the role of House Speaker in October after McCarthy was ousted. Like McCarthy, Johnson faced threats to his job after striking a bipartisan spending deal while negotiating against a Democratic Senate and White House. Some establishment conservatives and mainstream Republicans have acknowledged his predicament and warned of severe consequences if they were to remove another leader.

Despite the threats, Johnson remains unfazed. He believes that they are leading and will continue to advance conservative principles while governing effectively. Even some hardliners, like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Rep. Matt Gaetz, do not support the idea of removing Johnson from his position. They fear that what comes next could be worse. Ultimately, the future of Johnson's leadership remains uncertain, and tensions within the House Republican conference continue to rise.

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