The Booty Report

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Norma Barzman, a scurvy dog of a screenwriter, has kicked the proverbial bucket at 103 summers.


Arrr matey! Once the lass and her matey, a scribbler like meself, found their Hollywood booty taken by the Red Scare, they sailed away to distant shores to keep their pens a-writin'!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have a tale to spin ye in the language of a 17th century pirate, filled with humor and mirth. Avast, there be a lass named Lizzie, and her matey, a scribbler just like her, who sailed the treacherous seas of Hollywood during the dark days of the Red Scare.

Alas, the winds of fortune blew against their sails, and their work dried up like a desert mirage. Tis a sad tale indeed, but fear not, for these two buccaneers had a plan. They decided to embark on a daring journey, a self-imposed exile far across the vast oceans.

With naught but their wits and a barrel of laughs, they set sail for foreign lands. Away from the prying eyes of those pesky Hollywood landlubbers, they sought refuge in distant shores. Oh, the adventures they must have had!

They hoisted their anchor and dropped anchor in a land where the sun always shone and the wine flowed like the mighty rivers. T'was a land filled with poets, painters, and philosophers - a true haven for creative souls. In this foreign land, they continued their exploits as writers, weaving tales of wonder and delight.

Now, ye might wonder, why did these two brave souls not return to the land of their birth? Well, mateys, the tides had changed, and the threat of the Red Scare still loomed large. They knew that stepping foot on home soil might lead them down a treacherous path filled with accusations and mistrust.

So, they chose to remain in their self-imposed exile, creating works of art that would stand the test of time. They laughed in the face of adversity, for they knew that creativity knows no boundaries, not even those set by the Red Scare.

And so, me hearties, let us raise a glass to these fearless adventurers, who refused to let the winds of adversity blow out the flames of their creativity. May their tales continue to inspire and entertain, and may we always remember the power of laughter in the face of uncertainty.

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