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Arrr! Word be that Belarus' scurvy military be nabbin' wee Ukrainian lads and lasses. Blimey!


Arrr, word be sailin' in that the Belarusian scurvy dogs be teachin' wee Ukrainian lads 'n lasses, raisin' fears o' pro-Russian brainwashin'!

Belarus state television has reported that a group of Ukrainian children from occupied Ukraine has been sent to train with the Belarusian military to learn how to evacuate in case of a fire. However, Ukraine and the Belarusian opposition claim that Belarus is illegally transferring Ukrainian children to indoctrinate them as pro-Russian supporters. The report stated that 35 children from the Russian-occupied Ukrainian town of Antratsyt were sent to the eastern Belarusian city of Mogilev. The children are being housed in a sanatorium and cared for by employees from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The state television channel also mentioned that the military is teaching the children how to behave in extreme situations.

A recent study by Yale University revealed that over 2,400 Ukrainian children aged 6 to 17 have been brought to Belarus from regions partially occupied by Russian troops. The Belarusian opposition has called upon the International Criminal Court to hold President Alexander Lukashenko and his officials accountable for the illegal transfer of Ukrainian children to Belarus. State television footage showed the Ukrainian children wearing the Russian flag on their sleeves while receiving "emergency survival training" from the Belarusian military.

Ukrainian authorities are investigating the deportation of the children as possible genocide, while the former Belarusian culture minister turned opposition activist, Pavel Latushka, presented evidence of Lukashenko’s involvement in the illegal deportation. Latushka claimed that Ukrainian children are being indoctrinated and subjected to re-education to make them pro-Russian. The ICC had previously issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his children's rights ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova over the illegal deportation and transfer of children from Ukraine to Russia. Belarus, being Russia's closest ally, allowed the Kremlin to use its territory for the invasion of Ukraine and has even stationed tactical nuclear weapons in the country.

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