The Booty Report

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Arrr! A fearsome crew of cartel scoundrels unleashed their treacherous drone assault upon a far-flung Mexican village!


Avast, ye scurvy dogs! A cursed beastie they be calling a car drone be swooping down on the land lubbers in Mexico, claimin' the lives of five souls. But that ain't all! A mere two days later, six more scallywags met their maker in a mighty shootout, as declared by the lawmen. Arrr!

An alleged cartel drone attack in a remote community in the southern Mexican state of Guerrero resulted in the death of five people, according to the Guerrero state prosecutor's office. The attack took place in a village plagued by cartel violence, and at least 30 people were targeted. The incident occurred on January 4, and the authorities confirmed that the victims were burned to death. The first field investigations were conducted the next day, where charred bone remains were found from a burned vehicle. The attack involved drones operated by cartel members and gunmen, as reported by the religious and human rights organization Minerva Bello Center. The conflict was attributed to a dispute between criminal groups La Familia Michoacana and Los Tlacos for control of the area. However, genetic testing to determine the identity of the victims and generate new lines of investigation was rejected by the relatives. The director of the Minerva Bello Center, José Filiberto Velázquez, expressed that the entire community is terrified by this ongoing conflict. Two days later, another city in Guerrero experienced gunfire, resulting in six deaths and 13 injuries. Mexico is home to numerous cartels and criminal organizations, causing violence to surge due to territorial disputes. Guerrero has become a hotbed for conflict, with a previous incident in October where a police chief and 13 officers were ambushed and killed. The Ministerial Investigative Police will continue their presence in the area until the events are fully clarified and the perpetrators are brought to justice.

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