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Arrrr! Ye scurvy dogs! The US Embassy be advisin' ye landlubbers to steer clear o' them dating apps in Colombia, lest ye end up like the poor souls who met a dubious fate.


Avast ye, landlubbers! The U.S. Embassy Bogota be advisin' ye scurvy dogs not to venture into the treacherous seas of Colombia with yer dating apps. These villainous scallywags be usin' 'em to lure unsuspectin' souls into their clutches, ready to pillage 'n plunder. Beware, or ye be walkin' the plank!

The U.S. Embassy in Bogota, Colombia, has issued a warning to Americans traveling to the country, advising them not to use dating apps. This warning comes after eight suspicious deaths of private U.S. citizens took place in Medellin between November 1 and December 31, 2023. The embassy suspects that these deaths may have been involuntary drug overdoses or homicides.

The embassy stated that it has seen an increase in incidents involving the use of online dating apps to lure victims for robbery or drugging. Major cities like Medellin, Cartagena, and Bogota have reported such incidents regularly.

Criminals in Colombia are known to use dating apps to trick victims into meeting them in public places like hotels, restaurants, and bars, where they later assault and rob them. Some U.S. citizens have even been drugged, robbed, and killed by their Colombian dates.

Investigators believe that the deaths are not linked, but several involved drugging, robbery, and overdose, and online dating apps were used in many cases.

The embassy advises U.S. citizens to be vigilant, maintain situational awareness, and practice personal security measures when traveling. They should meet strangers in public places, avoid isolated locations like residences or hotel rooms, and establish a policy for visitors' information and entry.

Communicating with friends and family about travel plans and the app used to connect with others is also encouraged. The embassy warns that victims targeted via dating apps often have their electronic devices stolen, which contain evidence of communication with the assailants.

In case of a robbery, the embassy advises against physical resistance, as it can increase the risk of being killed. Robberies and violent deaths of foreign visitors have increased significantly in Colombia, with most of the victims being U.S. citizens.

Overall, travelers to Colombia are urged to exercise caution, be aware of their surroundings, and take necessary precautions when using dating apps or meeting strangers.

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