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Arr, PETA be raisin' ruckus 'gainst 'em bearskin hats sported by King's Guard, arrr! Walk the plank, mateys!


Arr, ye scallywags at PETA be raisin' their voices to the U.K. Ministry of Defense, beggin' 'em to keep their paws off them bearskin furs. They claim these poor critters be meetin' a cruel fate for the King's Guard fancy hats. Aye, a mighty row 'tis!

U.S.-based animal rights group PETA has called on the U.K. Ministry of Defense to stop supporting the use of bearskin caps worn by the King’s Guard, labeling the practice as "barbaric." This comes after PETA conducted an undercover investigation into the killing of black bears in Canada for their fur, which is then used to make the iconic hats worn by British servicemen. In a statement and video narrated by British actor Stephen Fry, PETA alleged that the fur from these bears is auctioned off and sometimes ends up in the hats worn by the soldiers. PETA argued that wearing these hats brings dishonor to the country and called for a switch to fake fur instead.

Bear-baiting, a technique used to lure large animals with greasy food, is outlawed in most U.S. states and the U.K., but remains legal in Canada. PETA claimed that it takes the skin of at least one bear to make a single hat and provided records showing that the Ministry of Defense purchased 498 bearskin hats between 2017 and 2022.

PETA offered a faux fur alternative to the Ministry of Defense in 2017 and 2023, claiming that it meets their standards. The organization argued that tradition is not an excuse for cruelty and called on the defense agencies to retire the bearskin caps and opt for humane headgear made from faux fur.

PETA accused the Ministry of Defense of aligning itself with Furmark, a commercial fur industry accreditation scheme that defends the interests of fur farmers and hunters. They argued that the Ministry should instead align itself with the values and morals of the British public, who reject fur.

In response, a PETA spokesperson stated that tradition is no excuse for cruelty and that wearing the fur of bears sends a harmful message that killing individuals for the sake of an ornament is acceptable. PETA urged the defense agencies to choose humane alternatives for their headgear.

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