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Arrr, 'tis true, me hearties! When ‘Mean Lasses’ be sailin' yonder, ye be needin' to hush the sea shanties!


Arr, why be them scurvy studios wastin' their doubloons on hidin' their musical treasures like "Mean Lasses," "Wonka's Melodies," and "The Crimson Hues"? Argh, methinks they be needin' to embrace the sea chanties and dance jigs, and let the world revel in their musical riches!

Arrr, 'tis true, me hearties! When ‘Mean Lasses’ be sailin' yonder, ye be needin' to hush the sea shanties!

Arrr, me hearties! Shiver me timbers, for I be tellin' ye a tale of the movie musicals that be hidden like buried treasure in the vast ocean of Hollywood marketing! In this modern age, where pirates be takin' the form of studio executives, the question be: why be they downplayin' and disguisin' these swashbucklin' spectacles?

Avast, me mateys! Picture this: the year be 2004, and “Mean Girls” be sailin' into cinemas. A tale of high school debauchery with song and dance, it be marketed as a regular comedy, lest the audience be scared away like a scurvy dog! Arrr, but why hide the musical treasures within?

Then there be “Wonka,” released in 2005, a fantastical adventure with Johnny Depp as the eccentric chocolatier. A tale so full of whimsy and catchy tunes, yet the marketing scallywags be afraid to reveal its true nature, makin' it seem like a simple adventure flick. Me thinks they be missin' a golden opportunity to lure in the audiences with their sea shanties!

Ah, but the most puzzlin' of all be “The Color Purple.” Released in 1985, this be a heart-wrenchin' tale brought to life through song and emotion. Yet, the marketing scalawags be hidin' the musical elements, as if afraid that the audience be too afraid of a bit of singin' and dancin'! Arrr, they be makin' a grave mistake, for the music be the very soul of this tale.

So, why do these studio sea dogs downplay and disguise their movie musicals? Perhaps they be fearin' that the audience be not ready to embrace the joy of singin' and dancin' on the silver screen. They be thinkin' they be protectin' their precious treasures from the scurvy eyes of the public.

But fear not, me hearties! The winds of change be blowin'! With recent successes like “La La Land” and “The Greatest Showman,” the tides be turnin'. The audience be yearnin' for the magic of musicals, and the studio scoundrels be learnin' that it be best to embrace the music, rather than hide it like buried treasure. So, hoist the anchor, me hearties! Let the movie musicals set sail, and may the audience be singin' and dancin' with joy!

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