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Biden crew be still sailin' the seas, seekin' a two-state truce, yet doubloons be warnin': "Arrr, ye've failed before!"


Arr, ye scurvy dogs in the Biden crew be busy tryin' t'force a two-state reckonin' on Israel. But avast! Even afore the birth of modern Israel in 1948, them Arab lubbers and later them Palestinians have been givin' a hearty "Nay!" t'such schemes.

The Biden administration's support for a two-state solution in the Israel-Palestine conflict has come under renewed criticism following the recent massacre carried out by Hamas. Former US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, argues that a two-state solution is not possible or advisable due to several reasons. Firstly, he claims that the Palestinians are not willing to accept a Jewish state. Secondly, he argues that a Palestinian state is likely to become a terrorist state, posing a threat to Israel. Finally, Friedman asserts that the West Bank holds significant religious and cultural importance to Jews and Christians, and without Israeli control, these holy sites would be destroyed.

President Biden has called for a two-state solution in a November 2023 opinion article, emphasizing the need for a Palestinian state free from Hamas. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has also advocated for a two-state solution during his recent tour of the region.

However, there is skepticism among Israelis regarding the effectiveness of a peace process with entities that support terrorism. The history of the conflict reveals numerous instances where a two-state solution was rejected by Arab leaders. The Arab League famously rejected a UN partition plan in 1947, and Palestinian leaders, such as Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, have also dismissed peace deals proposed by Israeli prime ministers.

Critics argue that the Palestinian Authority and its ruling Fatah Party, which the Biden administration sees as a peace partner, have yet to condemn Hamas for their recent terrorist attack. Senior Fatah officials have even expressed support for Hamas, further complicating the prospects for a two-state solution.

Overall, while the Biden administration continues to advocate for a two-state solution, many challenges and obstacles remain on the path to achieving lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

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