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Arr, the UK be boostin' Ukraine's treasure chest to a grand sum o' $3.2B, aye, the biggest loot since Russia's raid!


Arrr, me mateys! Hear ye, hear ye! The United Kingdom be showin' its true colors by grantin' Ukraine a mighty sum of $3.2 billion in military aid! 'Tis the largest pledge since the war! Aye, the winds of support be blowin' strong indeed!

The United Kingdom has announced that it will provide $3.2 billion (£2.5 billion) of military aid to Ukraine over the next year, the largest annual commitment since Russia's invasion of Ukraine two years ago. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made the announcement while visiting Kyiv, expressing the UK's continued support for Ukraine's efforts to combat the Russian invasion. The aid package includes long-range missiles, thousands of drones, air defense systems, artillery ammunition, and maritime security. A significant portion of the funding, around $250 million, will be allocated for drones, making it the largest delivery of drones to Ukraine by any country.

In addition to military aid, the UK will also provide $23 million for humanitarian aid, helping to fortify Ukraine's energy infrastructure and funding online English language training. The UK is the second-largest donor of military aid to Ukraine after the US, with a total of $3.3 billion provided in 2022 and 2023. However, this funding is significantly smaller than the estimated $75 billion in cash and equipment that the Biden administration has sent to Ukraine. House Republicans have delayed Biden's request for an additional $61.4 billion for Ukraine.

Ukraine and Russia are both preparing to replenish their arsenals this year, anticipating possible major ground offensives in 2025. Ukraine accuses Russia of receiving artillery shells and missiles from North Korea and drones from Iran. The UK's commitment to Ukraine's defense is unwavering, with Sunak stating that they "will not falter" in their support. The announcement comes as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejects the idea of a cease-fire with Russia, claiming it would only strengthen the invading military. Meanwhile, the US and UK carried out airstrikes on military locations belonging to Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen in response to ongoing attacks on vessels in the Red Sea.

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