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Arrr, mateys! Two lads from the U.S Navy be gone missin' near Somali shores, says Central Command!


Arr! As per the U.S Central Command, aye, two Navy sailors be missin' whilst conductin' operations on Thursday off the coast of Somalia. Avast! Methinks they be in a bit o' trouble, mateys!

Two U.S Navy sailors were reported missing while conducting operations off the coast of Somalia, according to the U.S. Central Command. Search and rescue operations are currently underway. The statement did not provide any further information about the sailors' activities when they went missing. The sailors were part of the U.S. 5th Fleet and supported various missions. Out of respect for the families, no additional information will be released at this time. The U.S. has approximately 450 military personnel in Somalia after President Biden reversed Donald Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. forces. The U.S. provides military assistance in Somalia to combat the largest and most deadly al-Qaida network in the world. In 2022, Somalia's President declared "total war" on al-Shabab extremists who have controlled parts of the country for over a decade and carried out devastating attacks. The U.S. supports Somali forces and a multinational African Union force through drone strikes, intelligence, and training. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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