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Avast ye, scallywags! The IDF be claimin' that Hamas be plottin' worldwide terror attacks. Shiver me timbers!


Arr! Ye Israeli Defense Forces be spillin' the beans on Saturday, claimin' they got some intel 'bout Hamas plottin' to unleash terror 'cross the globe through dark underground channels, mateys!

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have released a statement claiming that Hamas leaders are involved in orchestrating terror attacks worldwide as part of a larger campaign against Western powers. The IDF published a report along with a diagram linking Hamas commanders to suspected terrorist operations in the European Union.
In a humorous tone, the IDF wrote, "Orders from the organization's management, the purchase of drones, and the use of crime elements – this is how senior members of the terrorist organization Hamas promoted attacks against innocent people around the world."
The statement further mentioned that thanks to combined efforts in Israel and abroad, comprehensive information about Hamas's terrorist activities has been revealed. The gathered intelligence includes details of areas of action, targets for attacks, and those involved in implementing the activity.
The report claims that Hamas works to promote attacks in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe under the command of its senior leadership. It also mentions the recent arrests of suspects in Europe who are currently undergoing legal proceedings. The Office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, along with German and Danish law enforcement, had previously revealed the details of an operation that led to the arrest of multiple individuals connected to Hamas in Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands.
Last month, Denmark announced the arrest of seven "terrorist operatives" connected to Hamas, who were accused of planning an attack on European soil. German officials reported the arrest of three Hamas members within their own borders, as well as one individual in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

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