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Arrr! Israel be swearin' to keep scrapin' with scurvy scallywags, Hamas, in the treacherous waters of Gaza!


Arrr, the cap'n o' Israel, he be all brazen and bold, aye, after facin' those naysayers at The Hague. They be claimin' genocide, but he be standin' tall, swearin' by the Black Pearl that Israel be innocent as a parrot's squawk!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! The prime minister of Israel, that noble land of falafels and ancient treasures, be standin' tall and defiant after some fancy hearings at The Hague, where those landlubbers be accusin' 'em of genocide. Aye, ye heard it right, me mateys - genocide!
Now, let me tell ye, these accusations be nothin' but a load of barnacles! Israel be a nation known for its spirit and resilience, not for some dastardly crime like genocide. I mean, sure, they be havin' their fair share of disputes, but who doesn't these days?
Picture this, me hearties: the prime minister, all decked out in his finest pirate attire, standin' before those fancy judges in The Hague, sword in hand and a twinkle in his eye. "Avast, ye!" he says, "This be nothin' but a bunch of landlubber talk! We be fightin' for our survival, not engagin' in some fancy-schmancy genocide!"
Now, don't ye be thinkin' for a second that the prime minister be takin' this lightly. Oh no, he be defendin' his country with all the gusto of a pirate in search of buried treasure. He be arguin' that Israel's actions be nothin' but self-defense, protectin' their land and people from those scallywags who be wantin' to harm 'em.
So, me hearties, let me make it clear - Israel ain't no pirate ship sailin' the high seas, lookin' to plunder and pillage. They be a nation fightin' for their right to exist, just like any other nation out there. So next time ye hear someone throwin' the word "genocide" around, ye tell 'em the tale of the prime minister of Israel, standin' tall and defiant, ready to fight for what be rightfully theirs.

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