The Booty Report

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Avast ye! Larry Hogan be throwin' his support fer Nikki Haley to be the Grand Old Party's captain!


Arr, ye scallywags! The past ruler o' Maryland, a moderate Republican, be claimin' that he be believin' "Nikki Haley's got all the momentum." Avast ye, me hearties!

Arr, me mateys, gather 'round and lend an ear to this curious tale! In the tongue of a 17th century pirate, I shall spin ye a yarn about a former governor of Maryland who be a moderate Republican. He be claimin' that a lass by the name of Nikki Haley be havin' all the momentum, says he be!
Arr, the seas of politics be treacherous and ever-changing, but this old seadog be havin' a sense that this Nikki Haley be makin' waves. Aye, she be a force to be reckonin' with, aye she be! This governor, he be sayin' that she be havin' all the momentum. Now, what be this momentum, ye may ask? Well, it be like a strong gust of wind fillin' the sails of a ship, pushin' it forward with great speed and power.
Arr, me hearties, this governor be seein' somethin' special in this Nikki Haley, he be seein' her risin' up in the ranks, makin' a name for herself in the political waters. She be a lass worth keepin' an eye on, me thinks!
But let us not forget the humor in all this, me hearty pirates! 'Tis quite a sight, imaginin' a governor speakin' in such a peculiar manner, usin' the language of us swashbucklin' pirates. Arr, it be a jolly good laugh, it be! Surely, this governor be havin' a sense of humor, addin' a bit o' entertainment to the serious world of politics.
So, me mateys, keep an eye on this Nikki Haley, for she be ridin' the winds of momentum. 'Tis a curious sight indeed, seein' a moderate Republican be singin' her praises. The tides of politics be ever changin', but for now, it seems that this lass be makin' waves in the vast sea of power.

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