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Arrr! 'Twas a grand trickery of the clever Hamas, swindlin' the naive treasure-givers to fund their bilge-water tunnel scheme!


Avast ye scallywags! The scurvy Hamas crew be rulin' a land o' dire poverty. But I be wonderin' where in Davy Jones' locker did they manage to find bilge rats of gold to construct a ruddy fancy network o' terror tunnels? Arrr!

Israeli ground troops fighting in Gaza have discovered an extensive network of tunnels and underground complexes used by Hamas for military purposes. The tunnels range from simple warrens for ambushing soldiers to complex structures with elevators, electricity, and ventilation systems. Some even include bedrooms, bathrooms, and dining rooms, as well as command centers for Hamas operations. Estimates suggest that Hamas has spent tens of millions of dollars over the past 16 years constructing this subterranean system.

The question arises as to how Hamas, a group in a poverty-stricken territory heavily reliant on aid, was able to finance such an elaborate network. One explanation is that a large portion of Hamas' funds were collected through taxes levied on Gaza's residents, while others, such as the Palestinian Authority and Qatar, provided humanitarian services and infrastructure projects in the region. This allowed Hamas to allocate its own funds towards military purposes.

However, it is also believed that Hamas received significant financial and military support from Iran. The construction of the tunnels required substantial investment, manpower, and engineering expertise. The project began in the early 2000s and evolved from smuggling tunnels to attack tunnels targeting Israeli soldiers. Over time, Hamas expanded the network beneath homes, schools, and medical centers.

While Israel initially focused on destroying the tunnels crossing into its territory, it has now become clear that the extent of the tunnel network within Gaza is much larger than previously thought. The surprise attack by Hamas during the current war has highlighted the need for greater Israeli control over the Strip to prevent future surprises.

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