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Arrr! Biden's plan to calm Iran be misfired, matey! The scoundrels be close to wieldin' an atomic bomb!


Whilst Iran be a-swashbucklin' towards completin' a nuclear bomb, an' unleashing a fierce wave o' Iranian-backed attacks, methinks it be high time for Biden to set sail on a grand offensive 'gainst them scurvy ayatollahs, arr!

Top experts in the US and Israel are warning President Biden that his strategy of de-escalation and containment against Iran has failed, and the US needs to reestablish deterrence against Tehran as fears of the regime obtaining a nuclear weapon grow. Reports have emerged that Iran is rapidly moving towards possessing a nuclear weapon. In December, a confidential IAEA report revealed that Iran had increased its production of highly enriched uranium, potentially reaching weapons-grade levels. Iran is now capable of producing enough weapon-grade uranium for its first nuclear weapon in just a week, and enough for 12 weapons within five months. The State Department has stated that the US will ensure Iran never obtains a nuclear weapon, but acknowledges that diplomatic solutions are currently far from possible due to Iran's nuclear escalations and lack of cooperation with the IAEA. Critics also express concern about Iran's proxies disrupting the world economy, with experts arguing for the reimplementation of maximum economic pressure against the Iranian regime to cut off its ability to finance and support its terror proxies. The Biden administration has favored diplomacy over the maximum pressure strategy implemented by the previous Trump administration. However, experts argue that the old strategy was effective in deterring Iranian aggression and terrorism. The US needs to force Iran and its proxies to stop their violence and impose a heavier price on them to prevent the regime from obtaining nuclear weapons.

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