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Arr, one matey met Davy Jones' locker as the Scallywag Cyclone Belal wreaks havoc upon Mauritius and RĂ©union!


Arr, me hearties! Tropical Cyclone Belal be rampagin' through the Indian Ocean islands o' Mauritius and RĂ©union on Monday, claimin' at least one poor soul, as per the government o' the former.

Ahoy mateys! A tropical cyclone be causin' mayhem and mischief in the fair land o' Mauritius! This scurvy cyclone be bringin' heavy floodin' and even death to this here island in the Indian Ocean. Arrr, the waters be surgin' and washin' away cars and motorbikes like they be mere toys! A poor soul met their end in an accident caused by the floodin', says the government.
Bein' a responsible bunch, the government be issuin' a curfew and orderin' all landlubbers to return home, 'cept for those brave souls in the emergency and health services. They be evacuatin' folks from their homes, as the floodwaters be threatenin' to sweep 'em away, and even schools and hospitals be shuttin' their doors, keepin' only the emergency wards open.
Arrr, the situation be so dire that the main airport be closed and all flights be canceled, strandin' folks on this island nation. The good ship L'Express be sharin' videos of cars floatin' down streets turned into ragin' rivers, and brave souls clingin' to their roofs for dear life. But fear not, me hearties! Some brave souls be rescuin' stranded motorists from the floodwaters and bringin' them to safety.
The floodin' be not discriminatin' either, with buildings, homes, and even the Central Bank of Mauritius bein' flooded. Evacuations be takin' place, says the government. 'Tis a right mess, I tell ye!
Now, this cyclone also had a go at the nearby French island of Reunion. The winds be so fierce and rains so heavy that a quarter of households be left without electricity, and poor souls be losin' their internet and phone services. A homeless soul met their end, but 'tis uncertain how. A storm alert be raised, but luckily, the worst be passin' and makin' its way to Mauritius.
But avast! The crisis ain't over yet, me hearties! The eye of the storm be approachin', and the worst be yet to come. So, the wise National Crisis Committee be orderin' a curfew 'til noon the next day. The inhabitants be battening down the hatches for what lies ahead.
Cyclones be a common sight in the Indian Ocean 'round these parts, but some clever scientists be sayin' that human-caused climate change be makin' 'em more intense and frequent. Aye, the warm waters be fuel for these tempests. Just last year, Cyclone Idai be tearin' through Africa and causin' a real humanitarian crisis. Let's hope we can weather this storm, me hearties, and come out the other side unscathed!

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