The Booty Report

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Avast ye! 'Tis been claimed that James Dolan, the scallywag, did coerce a lass into his lustful embrace!


In court, the lass be blabberin' 'bout how Harvey Weinstein be layin' hands on her in a meetin' arranged by that scurvy dog, Mr. Dolan. But both o' them scallywags be claimin' innocence, me hearties!

Avast ye landlubbers! In a most curious court filing, a fair maiden be accusing the scurvy dog, Harvey Weinstein, of seafaring wrongdoings. This brave lass claims that she was subjected to the vile act of sexual assault by the likes of Weinstein himself during a fateful encounter in the year 2014. But here be the twist, me hearties! She reckons that this unfortunate incident was orchestrated by none other than Mr. Dolan, who vehemently denies any involvement in this scandalous affair.

Now, this be a tale that be fraught with tension and treachery, for both men be denying the allegations brought forth by this brave buccaneer of a lady. It be a battle of words, a duel of denials, as these scallywags attempt to steer clear of the blame, akin to dodging enemy cannons on the open seas.

One cannot help but wonder what be driving this fierce accusation and why it be coming to light now, after all these years have passed. Methinks, me hearties, that there be hidden agendas and secret motives at play, for the sea be a vast and mysterious place, filled with deceit and trickery.

Nevertheless, the courtroom be the battleground where this skirmish shall be settled. The truth be a buried treasure, waiting to be unearthed by the honorable court, and the fate of these rogues be hanging in the balance.

So, me hearties, let us wait and watch as the tale unfolds. Will justice prevail, or will these scurrilous sea dogs wriggle free from the clutches of accountability? Only time will tell, but one thing be for certain: the sea of scandal be a treacherous place, and no pirate, no matter how cunning, can escape its wrath forever.

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