The Booty Report

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Arrr! The landlubbers from the U.S. be takin' aim at them Houthi scallywags in Yemen yet again!


Arrr, mateys! The scurvy blighters from America be blowin' four of them nasty missiles to the depths of Davy Jones' locker! 'Tis the third day o' the row them rascally Houthis be aimin' at ships passin' by, but alas, their shots be naught but futile!

In the jolly language of a 17th century pirate, me mateys, the Pentagon be tellin' us that them American strikes did a fine job o' destroyin' four mighty missiles that posed a threat to the ships sailin' in the treacherous Red Sea. Arrr! 'Tis a dangerous place, me hearties, filled with treachery and peril.
But listen here, ye scurvy dogs! This be the third day in a row them mischievous scallywags known as the Houthis be firin' their cannons like they own the place, aimin' at any ship foolish enough to sail their way. Blast me barnacles! What be they thinkin'? Be they tryin' to test the patience of the mighty American sea dogs? Arrr, they better watch their backs!
Now, imagine ye be aboard one of them ships, sailin' peacefully, enjoyin' the salty breeze and the sound of seagulls cryin', when all of a sudden, the sky be lightin' up like a fireworks display on the Fourth o' July. Cannons be blastin', explosions be rockin' the sea, and ye be prayin' to the gods o' the ocean to spare ye from Davy Jones' locker.
But fear not, me hearties! The American sea dogs be swift and skilled. With their cannons of justice, they be takin' aim at them missiles, blowin' 'em to smithereens before they be reachin' their targets. Arrr! 'Tis a sight to behold, me mateys. Those missiles didn't stand a chance against the might of the American sea dogs.
So, let this be a warnin' to all ye scurvy Houthis and any other scallywags who dare cross the path of the mighty American sea dogs. Ye be messin' with the wrong crew, lads. The Red Sea may be treacherous, but the American sea dogs be even more fearsome. Beware, for the cannons of justice be aimed at ye!

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