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Avast ye scallywags! Former rebel captain Guy Philippe's crew be raisin' anchor in Haiti, cryin' for the resignation of th' PM!


Arrr! The scurvy dogs o' Haiti be raisin' a mighty ruckus on Tuesday, standin' by the likes o' that gallant rebel, Guy Philippe! Aye, they be clamorin' for that Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, to walk the plank!

Supporters of former rebel leader Guy Philippe have launched protests demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry. The protests have paralyzed several cities across Haiti, with schools, government agencies, and private businesses forced to close. Cities such as Jeremie, Miragoane, Ouanaminthe, and Les Cayes have been particularly affected. Philippe, who recently returned to Haiti after serving time in a U.S. prison, stated that he is not plotting a coup but rather seeking to transform the country, which has seen increased poverty and gang violence.

Philippe assured his supporters that his revolution is solely for the people and that he does not oppose Haiti's National Police. He called upon the police to protect the citizens and do their job. Philippe gained notoriety for leading a rebellion against former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004 and orchestrating attacks on police stations. After serving nine years in a U.S. prison for money laundering, he now returns to a country struggling with rampant gang violence that resulted in the deaths of nearly 4,000 people and the kidnapping of 3,000 others last year.

In his speech, Philippe promised his supporters that their suffering would soon come to an end. The protests continue to escalate, and Philippe's supporters remain determined to see Prime Minister Ariel Henry step down. The current situation in Haiti highlights the deepening socio-economic issues and the overwhelming challenge of maintaining law and order in the face of increasing violence. The United Nations has also expressed concern about the deteriorating security situation in the country. As the protests persist, the fate of Haiti's leadership and the future of the nation remain uncertain.

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