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Avast ye! A fancy royal pair be splittin' after seven long years o' matrimony, mateys!


Arrgh! The Crown Prince Leka II and his fair lass, Crown Princess Elia of Albania, be partin' ways after seven years o' matrimony. They be wishin' their wee lass a jolly and secure life, says I!

The crown prince and crown princess of Albania, Leka II and Elia, have announced their divorce after seven years of marriage. The announcement was made on the crown prince's Instagram page, and they have a 3-year-old daughter named Princess Geraldine. The statement, which was translated from Albanian to English, stated that they have decided to end their marriage with mutual consent and will begin the necessary legal procedures. They emphasized that the well-being of their daughter will remain their priority.

The reasons behind their split are unclear. Prince Leka is the grandson of former King Zog I of Albania, who was deposed when Italy invaded the country in 1939. Crown Princess Elia is a former actress and singer. Their daughter, Princess Geraldine, was named after Leka's late grandmother, Queen Geraldine.

The Albanian royal family, known as the House of Zogu, is not directly connected to the current government of Albania, which has been a republic since 1946. However, Prince Leka has worked with the Albanian government in foreign diplomacy. Their wedding in 2016 was attended by various royals, including Queen Sofia of Spain and Prince Michael of Kent.

The announcement of their divorce comes as a surprise to many, considering their lavish wedding and the major monarchs who attended. The couple emphasized their commitment to their daughter's happiness and safety and expressed their belief in the values of mutual respect and understanding.

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