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Arrr! A scurvy official from Poland's past right-wing crew be charged in a scandal o' cash-for-visas!


Arr, me hearties! Poland be layin' charges against a scurvy dog, a former deputy foreign minister! The scallywag be accused o' sellin' visas and work permits to them migrant landlubbers. The officials be fightin' corruption, they be!

In a comical 17th century pirate language, me hearty, a deputy foreign minister in Poland's previous right-wing government be facin' charges for allegedly sellin' visas and work permits to migrants for a pretty penny, arrr! This be a scandal known as the "cash-for-visas" scandal, which emerged last summer and caused quite a stir in the tough-on-immigration Law and Justice party. The Central Anti-Corruption Bureau be sayin' that this former deputy foreign minister, known only as Piotr W. due to privacy laws, be detained and charged with exceedin' his authority, influencin' the issuin' of visas, and sharin' classified information with a scallywag who had no business knowin' such things.
If he be found guilty in court, this scurvy dog could be sent to the brig for up to 10 years! The national prosecutor's office be sayin' that the defendant be denyin' all wrongdoing and be refusin' to testify. The lad has been released on bail, but eight other scoundrels have also been charged in connection to this scheme, says the anti-corruption office, arrr!
In August, the press be reportin' that Poland's consular sections had issued a whopping 250,000 visas to migrants from Asia and Africa since 2021 in exchange for pieces of eight. The deputy foreign minister be walkin' the plank and losin' his job due to these allegations at the time. He be proclaimin' his innocence and swearin' he did nothin' wrong, but only the courts be knowin' the truth in the end, me hearty!

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