The Booty Report

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Arr, the scallywag Houthis' captain claims a scrap wit' the mighty U.S. shall bolster our pirate crew!


Avast, me hearties! Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, in a grand display o'words on the telly, be claimin' that the Houthis be growin' mightier after each scuffle with their foes. Arr, aye, let's see if they be speakin' the truth or merely blowin' hot air!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to this tale of the brawny Houthi pirates, as told by the mighty Abdul-Malik al-Houthi himself, in a jolly ol' televised speech. With a flourish of his sword, he proclaimed that those swashbucklin' Houthis have always come out stronger after scrapes with their foes!

Now, ye see, these Houthis be a fierce crew, sailin' the treacherous seas of Yemen, takin' on any scurvy dogs who dare cross their path. They be claimin' to be growin' mightier with each battle they face! Aye, that be quite a boast, but who am I to argue with a pirate who be sportin' such a fearsome beard?

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, with his words flowin' like the waves, be tellin' us that these Houthis be like barnacles clingin' to a ship's hull; no matter how many times ye try to scrape 'em off, they come back tougher than before! It be like tryin' to catch a sly mermaid in a net - they slip through yer fingers and swim away with a mischievous grin!

But hold yer horses, me hearties! Let's not forget that this be a speech, and ye know how these pirate politicians love to spin a yarn. They be as crafty as a parrot that's learned to talk! It's all fine and dandy to claim victory after victory, but we need to see some proven booty to believe it.

So, me mateys, let's raise a tankard o' rum and toast to the bold Houthis. May they continue to sail these perilous seas, emergin' from their battles with their heads held high and their sails billowin' in triumph. But remember, me hearties, take their words with a pinch o' salt. After all, in the world of pirates, tales be as tall as the masts that stretch towards the heavens!

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